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Weekly Update: August 11th

It's been a short week for us here at the farm and a harrowing week for the vicinity in terms of weather. A week ago there was a major storm with high winds that did a toll throughout Kawartha Lakes. During last Fridays deliveries, we had to make a number of detours because of large trees that had come down on roadways.

Stormy Weather

Lindsay and other areas also got hit by some substantial hail and we've heard accounts of gardens being shredded as a result. We are fortunate that while we saw some stormy weather, we didn't see anything so severe. No trees down and no damaging hail.

Onions & Tomatoes

This week's shares will include the first tomatoes and onions of the season :).

The onions were planted from sets back in May. The onions in your share haven't been fully dried and cured for long term storage, so consider these fresh onions.

The tomatoes have been a long time coming. Started from seed indoors back in April, and transplanted a little too early in May, you may remember the story of staying up all night for several days in order to babysit propane heaters we had running to protect from some late frosts.

In the coming week's we'll also be including cherry tomatoes, so stay tuned!

Fresh Garlic

Fresh Garlic

Like last week, this week's share will include some of the first garlic of the season.

Just a reminder that because this garlic is fresh, it won't store as long as a fully cured bulb. To keep it at its best, store it in a cool, dry place, but try to use it within a few weeks.

This Week's CSA Share

  • Head Lettuce

  • Carrot

  • Yellow Onion

  • Zucchini

  • Beets

  • Dill

  • Garlic

  • Green Onion

  • Tomatoes

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